Yep, that's right. Little Miss Bria got to go on an adventure today! After she watched us finish up the hay and tie the tarps down (and help hold those pesky pieces of twine in our hands). Oh, and bound up and down the tarp and try to carry it off.
We loaded up in the car and headed over to Lake Lenore Caves. Hiked up the side of the cliffs to see the ancient caves the Indians used many many years ago. Bria was a hot dog, but she made it just fine. She even got a milkbone off some passing people! She was just carrying it, so I took it from her and carried it for her. Then the lucky dog got carried down the stairs...this was because she has a habit of skidding down stairs, and there was gravel on them and a guy waiting for us at the bottom. I didn't want to hold everyone up. She got several compliments. The guy at the bottom of the stairs said "pretty dog" and patted her on the head. I was amazed that she got around on the basalt rocks as well as she did. Paws seemed in good shape afterwards, too. No problems. And while she is still learning to walk on a loose leash, she at least was not pulling too hard or trying to wander off the trail.
Standing out at the mouth of the cave. |
Close up |
Lake Lenore Caves Trail Head |
Once we walked back to the car, we drove up the road a little ways to Deep Lake and walked down the trail. We went over our first bridge! No picture sadly. There was some neat lichen in the water there. We avoided the poison oak along the trail at doggy height. Once again, she handled herself very well. Pulled a little, but I used the experience to work on loose leash walking yet again. She was doing pretty well for a while. I was also quite excited to see her tracking when we got behind and out of sight. Put her nose down and worked her way up the trail without hesitation. The basalt rocks again were no problem for her. She even climbed up and down over some rocky areas where the trail split a little.
Bria on the rocks! |
Tried to get her down to the water a few times. The first was at a very shallow spot with a nice rock footing. I put her in, but it only went up her feet a little ways. She stood there for a second or two, then said "that's enough!" and climbed back out. I went to take her down at another spot, but I saw a snake in the grass. I thought I saw a rattle on it's tail, but the rest of the snake (hard to see in the grass) looked black with white stripes. I doubt it was a rattler, but I didn't want to get close enough to find out.
At the edge of the water, looking for the rock my dad threw in! |
Considering the little steep place at the edge of the lake. |
On down we went to about the end of the trail. Saw some kayakers coming back down the lake. Bria was really interested in them. They were upwind, so I think she caught their scent. Or maybe she just heard them. We chatted with them briefly as they went by, and the guy mentioned "cute dog". (Once back at the car, the gal wanted to meet Bree and we chatted about dogs for a minute. I really think it's cool how having a dog can open up conversations!)
Shot of Bria overlooking the middle part of Deep Lake |
On our way back along the trail, I decided I wanted to wade in and see if Bree would be interested in swimming. Off come the shoes and socks and rolled up the pant legs. Waded out and set the dog in the water. She doggy paddled out a little, turned around, and went back to shore! I brought her out again.
Bria in the water! |
Bria wanting OUT of the water |
Held up for a picture opportunity! |
So that was our adventure. Little pup was exhausted after walking all that way, and she curled up in the truck on the way home and snoozed. Didn't get carsick and didn't have an accident in the car. I'm quite pleased.
On a side note, Little Miss' ear is starting to stand straight up again. I'm not sure if she's just growing it out or what. It's quite funny! Just the very tip of her ear flops sometimes. I've been noticing over the past week or so, the flop has been less. Just half of her ear a week ago, then just the tip. The tip still flops a little when she's playing or running, but it's standing straight up again.
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