

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Monday

Not a whole lot happened today, but I thought I'd post about it anyway. Little Miss was a lot better about biting today. Still did it a little (including my ear twice today!), but I am getting better at reacting to it, and she is learning.

She is such a good dog. Quiet and patient and simply adorable.

Today was the day we actually did it. Bree got to go for a horse ride. It was only probably 10 minutes max, but she did spectacular! She just laid down over the horse's withers (I rode bareback) and was very quiet and patient. Then we ran into the kid down the road with his stupid motorized bicycle. Dundee was mostly fine, the dog was mostly fine, but I didn't want to risk it, so we turned around, and Bree went to her pen for a bit while I went back out for my ride. I'm so proud of both my horse and my dog. They were wonderful this evening!

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