First things first...I attempted to weigh the wee monster today. Since I couldn't even read the scale while holding her, I did actually manage to get her to stand on it and stand STILL long enough to sort of see. She's about 13-14 lbs.
We had a lot of water coming down the draw this morning. Bree is becoming a water dog! Sort of. She splashed around in it, dug in the mud, and had a grand old time. Still doesn't like getting caught under the sprinkler or the hose. After slogging through water and mud, she decides to come over and jump all over me while I'm sitting on the big rock in the horse paddock. Well, thanks dog. Glad to let you wipe your paws on me. *chuckle*
I was going to try to take the dog for a ride again today. Went up to use the bumper of my truck as a mounting block for the horse...well, dog scampered off and refused to be caught. Wandered out across the road again. *mumble* Note to self: tie dog before she gets anywhere near the front of the property.
Bria has become a very sweet, cuddly dog. I'm not complaining! As long as she can keep from nipping my face, ears, or neck, I'm perfectly content with her to snuggle. So far, she really likes to plop in front of me when laying on my stomach in the grass and cuddle up under my chin. It's quite sweet.
More may be added later.
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